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  9. The mosaic gourami – everything you need to know!

The mosaic gourami – everything you need to know!

mosaic gourami

The mosaic gourami – everything you need to know!

the essentials in brief

Which fish are associated with mosaic gourami?

Mosaic gouramis can be easily associated with calm and non-aggressive fish species. Popular partners include guppies, platies, cory catfish and peaceful shrimp species such as Red Fire shrimp. Learn more here.

How many mosaic gourami fish fit in a 200 liter aquarium?

A 200 liter aquarium can accommodate around 6-8 mosaic gourami. Read more here.

What is the food of the mosaic gourami?

Mosaic gouramis are omnivores. Their food should consist of a mix of dry food, live or frozen food, and occasional vegetables. More here.

The Mosaic gourami is just right for you if you are looking for a fascinating and colorful fish species for your aquarium. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about this enchanting freshwater fish imagine, from its origins and care to its fascinating behavior.

origin and characteristics

mosaic gourami
The Mosaic Gourami is a popular fish for freshwater aquariums.

The mosaic gourami, scientifically known as Trichogaster leeri known, is a member of the gourami family and comes from the tropical waters of Southeast Asia. These fish are notable for their unusual coloring and pattern .

Your body is slim and elongated, with a magnificent Mosaic drawing in different shades of blue, which gives them their name. The males also have striking, elongated fin rays on the dorsal and anal fins.

Tip: Before you decide to keep mosaic gourami, keep in mind that these fish need space. About 200-6 mosaic gouramis fit into a 8 liter aquarium. Be sure to keep numbers appropriate to minimize conflict and ensure a healthy environment.

Keeping and aquarium setup

If you decide to keep mosaic gouramis, one is species-appropriate environment decisive. An aquarium with one Capacity of at least 80 liters is recommended as these fish require some space. A finer substrate is suitable gravel or sand, Und Aquatic plants, especially floating plants hiding places and offer protection to the fish.

Note: The quality of the water in your aquarium is crucial to the health of your mosaic gourami. Perform regular water changes to remove contaminants and maintain water quality. An external filter can also help keep the water clean.

Water conditions and temperature

To make your mosaic gourami feel comfortable, this is correct water quality of great importance. Hold the water slightly sour to neutral (pH 6,5-7,5) and the temperature between 24°C and 28°C. A pH value that is too high or temperatures that are too low can have a negative impact on the health of your fish.

social behavior

Mosaic gouramis are peaceful and sociable animals. It is recommended to put them in groups of at least five individuals as they thrive best in the community. However, males can territorial be and it can be too Turf wars come. Make sure there are enough hiding places to offer to minimize conflicts.

Attention: Be careful when choosing plants and decorations for your aquarium. Some plant species and materials can be toxic to mosaic gourami. Educate yourself in advance and choose safe options to protect your fish.


The Nutrition Your mosaic gouramis should diversified be. They eat both Dry food as well as live or frozen food. Make sure to offer quality food that is specifically tailored to the needs of labyrinth fish. You can also occasionally vegetables such as peas or cucumbers .


The Reproduction of mosaic gourami is fascinating. The Males build a foam nest on the water surface, in which the eggs are laid. After hatching, that takes care of it Males around the young fishuntil they are independent enough.

If you want to monitor reproduction, make sure enough floating plants in the aquarium are available so that the young fish can find shelter.

Additional information: Unlike mosaic gouramis, which are freshwater fish and live in freshwater sources, saltwater fish are at home in marine environments. The two species require different water conditions and care. Saltwater fish tend to be more demanding when it comes to water quality and chemistry. The choice between freshwater and saltwater fish depends on your personal preferences and experience as an aquarist.

Health and diseases

The health of your fish is of utmost importance. Pay attention to Signs of diseases such as fin rot or parasite infestation and react in a timely manner. Regular water changes and good water quality help prevent disease.

Special behaviors

Mosaic Gourami have some fascinating behaviors, which make them enchanting objects of observation. One of their most notable features is their so-called "labyrinth organ.” This enables them to Breathing oxygen directly from the air.

When you watch your fish, you will often see as they come to the surface of the water and gasp for air. This behavior is not only interesting, but also an important survival mechanism in oxygen-poor waters.

Another fascinating behavior is their tendency to Mouth brooder care. In some cases, the males take on the task of to incubate the fertilized eggs in the mouth and to protect the young fish. This is amazing evidence of the parental care of these fish.


Plankton are tiny organisms that float in water and are carried by the current. They consist of various microorganisms, algae and small animals. Plankton forms the base of the aquatic food chain and is an important food source for many fish species.

Color variations and breeding forms

Not only is the mosaic gourami a breathtaking sight in its natural form, but there are also different ones Color variations and breeding forms, which delight aquarists around the world. The most popular variant is the “Veil mosaic gourami“, where the fins are particularly long and elegant.

There are also breeding forms in different colors, from bright red to deep blue. The variety of these fish offers you the opportunity to design your aquarium according to your personal taste.

Mosaic gouramis in community aquariums

mosaic gourami
Generally speaking, mosaic gourami are calm and peaceful creatures.

If you're thinking about keeping mosaic gourami in a community aquarium, there are a few things to consider. Although she is in are generally peaceful, they sometimes cannot get along with other peaceful species.

It is advisable to take them with you quiet company fish such as guppies, platies or armored catfish to socialize. However, make sure that your other fish similar water conditions prefer to ensure harmonious coexistence.

A real eye-catcher

The mosaic gourami is undoubtedly one of the most enchanting fish speciesthat you can keep in your aquarium. Of theirs fascinating behaviors via their breathtaking color variations to their suitability for community aquariums, these fish offer a wealth of possibilities to enrich your hobby.

proper care and attention you can ensure that your mosaic gourami are not only healthy and happy, but also become true jewels in your aquarium.


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