Ear lattice catfish (Otocinclus)

The genus Ear lattice catfish (Otocinclus) belong to the family of Loricariids (Loricariidae). You will also as Cleaning Devil designated. There are several species (17 pieces) of plecos, for example: Otocinclus batmani, Otocinclus bororo, Otocinclus caxarari, Otocinclus cocama, Otocinclus flexilis, Otocinclus hasemani, Otocinclus hoppei, Otocinclus huaorani, Otocinclus juruenae, Otocinclus macrospilus, Otocinclus maria e, Otocinclus mimulus, Otociclus mura, Otocinclus tapirape, Otocinclus vestituts and Otocinclus xakriaba. All information such as the origin, the appearance, what water conditions are required, what needs to be considered when breeding and much more can be found here in this article, i.e. one Characteristics of the ear lattice catfish.

Otocinclus sp Zebra Yarapa
Otocinclus sp Zebra Yarapa Image from Jerome Picard

Latticed catfish distribution and origin

The latticed catfish, also called Otocinclus, live in South America (west of the Andes Cordillera), but they also occur in Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia (Amazon, Rio de la Plata) and Ecuador. The ear mesh catfish have a size of approx. 2 to 6 cm. They tend to inhabit fast-flowing waters with algae-covered rocks in the wild. The ear lattice catfish can live up to 5 years.

Ear lattice catfish - appearance and breeding forms

The ear lattice catfish are interesting companions for the aquarium. The body of the ear mesh catfish is stretched. And the front part of the body somewhat flattened. The caudal peduncle has an almost rectangular cross-section. The bony shields of the catfish are interrupted by the bald or bare zones on the belly side. The small catfish are mostly patterned silvery/greyish to black. They should not be kept as the first stock in the aquarium.


Ear lattice catfish - way of life and eating behavior

It is very important that there is a lot of algae in the aquarium, because that is their food. Their food source is overgrown stones, algae on the panes or on plants. At the same time, it is also a good companion in the aquarium for cleaning the panes, as it is also called the cleaning devil and thus the panes in the aquarium are always kept clean. Ear lattice catfish are very susceptible to stress. Mainly they prefer vegetarian food. Supplementary feeding with vegetable food is essential, for example food tablets, live food (small) or frozen food, algae and vegetables.



What should be considered when keeping ear lattice catfish? What water conditions are needed?

The latticed catfish should also not be the first stock for the aquarium. They are very sensitive to nitrite and very prone to stress. That is why it is more useful to not have to take losses and to have a lot of joy, these put in a tank first, which has long been occupied by fish. Make sure, however, that they are only kept with peaceful fish of their size, otherwise they may become prey to other fish, such as cichlids (they have aggressive behavior). Oxygen-rich, clear water is an important prerequisite for offering the latticed catfish a good home where they can feel comfortable. Ear lattice catfish can absorb oxygen from the air. If the animals appear more often on the water surface, this means that there is not enough oxygen in the water = lack of oxygen.

Ear lattice catfish should be placed in the aquarium in larger groups. The stress factor is therefore lower. If you want or have to move the animals, be careful not to catch them with a net from the aquarium. The ear lattice catfish are very sensitive to the mouth area. There are small hooks that can get caught in the net and the animals injure themselves. These injuries usually lead to death. The aquarium should be at least 70 liters in size.

Oxygen-rich water with lots of algae is important. The temperature of the water should be around 23°C to 27°C. The preferred pH value should be between 5 and 7,5 and the total hardness of the water should be up to 15° dGH. They should be kept in a group of at least 5 animals.

Ear mesh catfish you can in one community pool hold. However, aggressive fish must not be present, as this can have a negative effect on the otocinclus.


Reproduction, offspring of the ear lattice catfish and planting of the aquarium

If the ear lattice catfish have noticed temperature fluctuations, changes in air pressure and water rich in suspended matter during the rainy season, they react immediately. The males are now chasing after the females. The females now lay the eggs between roots, stones or on the tank walls and now the males fertilize the eggs. After about three to four days, the larvae of the catfish hatch and after a few days the little juveniles are already swimming around freely. Breeding catfish in the aquarium is difficult, as they rarely breed.

If females do lay eggs, it is usually because they were caught pregnant and only then lay the eggs in the tank. Attempts are still being made as to whether it is possible to breed the lattice-eared catfish in the aquarium. But you can also try to stimulate the willingness to spawn. How? By changing the water with soft, cooler water (the rainy season is simulated) and adding more food to stimulate the willingness to spawn.

It is very important for the latticed catfish to find enough algae in the tank. Because they feed on algae. If the Otocinclus are not given enough algae, they may starve or become ill when there is no more algae in the aquarium. Therefore, plant-based feeding is very important.

Young fish can be fed with algae and fine powdered food. A strong border planting, use of roots, wood or stone towers should be brought into the aquarium for hiding places for the latticed catfish.


Summary- what about the breeding and keeping of ear lattice catfish must be observed:


  • The size of the aquarium should be at least 70 liters.
  • The temperature of the water should be around 23°C to 27°C.
  • The pH should be between 6,0 and 7,5.
  • At least 5 animals should be kept
  • Also suitable for the community tank, but only with peaceful small fish.
  • feeding with algae, dry food, live food, vegetables and seaweed.
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