Red-blue Colombian Hyphessobrycon columbianus

Red-Blue Colombian: The Red Blue Colombians or latin too Hyphessobrycon columbianus named is an ornamental fish which has not been known to us in Germany for so long and was only introduced to us around 200 years ago. Nevertheless, the red-blue Colombian is not only very beautiful to look at, but has also multiplied several times in our aquariums. Everything about reproduction and keeping the red-blue Colombian can be found in our detailed profile. Of course we also have a picture and photo for you, so that you can decide whether you want to get such a shoal fish based on the optics. The red-blue Colombian is one of the real tetras and comes from the north-west of Colombia. Not difficult to recognize from the name.

Origin and Distribution of the Red-Blue Colombian

The origin of the red-blue Colombian is already evident from the name. That this has its actual origin in Colombia is undeniable. There he lives mainly in the area of ​​the Rio Acandi, which also flows near the border with Panama. Of course, tributaries are also sealed accordingly by him. Above all, he loves calm and slow-flowing streams. The red and blue Colombian can also be found in coastal areas of the Caribbean. With us today he very often comes from offspring. Various larger breeding farms now breed the red-blue Colombian. But the hobby aquarist also succeeds in breeding. But more on that later. Now let's look at its main characteristics.

Red-blue Colombian Hyphessobrycon columbianus
Image of the Red-Blue Colombian Hyphessobrycon columbianus

Characteristics and appearance of the Red and Blue Colombian

Compared to most other tetras, this specimen grows up to 7 cm long, which should also be taken into account when keeping it. The age is also quite old or can become quite old, as long as you take care of him accordingly. His body shape shows a rather high-backed physique. The side of the red-blue Colombian is heavily flattened. In addition, it has an adipose fin, which is not present in all tetra species. Of course, you also have to consider the coloring of the animal. Here you can see that the fins in particular have a beautiful coloration. They are red and the body tends to be silver or bluish. Of course it is not as conspicuous as the blood tetra or even the lemon tetra, but it still makes an impressive sight in a certain swarm.

Let's come to the distinction between the sexes. Here, too, it is quite difficult, because there are only very small differences in terms of colouring. You can tell the animals apart by their size. Males tend to be weaker, especially when the females are about to spawn. Then they look very bulky.

Water parameters and attitude of red and blue Colombians

First of all, one can say that this type of tetra is also known as a beginner fish suitable. When it comes to water parameters, it makes few demands. The temperature range should be around 24 - 28 degrees, which corresponds to most of our freshwater pools. In addition, it should be kept at around 6 to 7,5 PH value. He also comes from an area where you need more acidic than alkaline water. The hardness of the water is up to 20 OK, which is really extremely hard. Of course, it is better to be in the range of 10 here. When breeding, the water should be rather softer.

The only thing that needs to be considered is how it is kept in the aquarium. Since these animals only live in large swarms in the wild, you should also make sure not to keep groups of less than 8 to 10 animals. However, since the red-blue Colombians can grow up to 7 cm, you have to pay attention to a suitable aquarium. We do not recommend taking tanks under 200 liters. The more you can get in a group, the nicer the group looks. However, there are also opposing opinions as far as keeping is concerned, because some aquarists do not consider the red-blue Colombian to be a schooling fish, but rather to be a group animal which can even mark out territories. There seems to be disagreement here. Nevertheless, it must be said that the animals are by no means prone to aggressiveness.

Another socialization is of course possible with other fish, especially peaceful ones. We have also made some examples of this in our examples for the socialization of 200 liter tanks.



You also have to pay very little attention to feeding. In addition to the well-known types of dry food, live food and frozen food are also used here. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the feeding is balanced. The ornamental fish thank us with beautiful bright colors and a long life.


Fact sheet on the red-blue Colombian


  • Temperature from 24 to 28 degrees
  • Adjust pH value from 6 to 7,5
  • GH value up to 20
  • Keep no less than 8 animals
  • From 200 liters


Breeding and Reproduction of the Red-Blue Colombians

Before you start breeding, you should set up a suitable tank for breeding. This should be smaller. 80 liters or even less are enough here. You should also make sure that the height of the pool does not exceed 30 cm. The planting should be quite dense and preferably set up with fine plants. Various thin-firing plants are suitable here. In such a tank you then put around 8 animals and feed them quite heavily. This is usually a trigger that spawning occurs.

The water should be set rather soft and acidic. As always, one can do this osmosis system render good service. Females can lay up to 200-300 eggs. The young hatch after 2 to 3 days and swim freely after about 5 days. Microorganisms and microorganisms are also fed here.

Since the red-blue Colombians also belong to the free spawners and we are of the opinion that they are spawn predators, the parents should be removed from the aquarium after spawning. This inevitably reduces the losses of the young animals.

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