Helanthium tenellum – dwarf grassy sword plant

Profile of the Helanthium tenellum – grassy dwarf sword plant here on aquaristik.org: You can often find them under the name Echinodorus tenellus or the name Helanthium Tenellum Parvulum find in specialist shops. We have also planted them in our nano tanks. The Helanthium Tenellum is particularly popular in the aquascaping area, as you can use it to create a beautiful carpet on the floor.

If one speaks of a beautiful lawn, one usually cannot ignore this aquatic plant. In today's profile of the Helanthium Tenellum we describe what is important and what factors should be present for good growth. Water conditions and planting are also an issue. Of course there are also pictures of the plant.

In-Vitro Grass-like Dwarf Sword Plant/Echinodorus tenellus (Helanthium tenellum)
  • Many of the plants you choose may initially be bulbs, young plants, small fruit trees or even seeds. Most important to you, however, is that the roots are healthy and strong and the plants are disease free.
  • Climate-neutral shipping with DHL GoGreen

Origin and appearance of the Helanthium tenellum

Again, you will find this plant in the tropical part of the world. South America in particular is predestined for how Helanthium tenellum comes from. Very often you can also find it under the German name grassy sword plant in our specialist shops. The name of the dwarf sword plant is also very often read because it remains particularly small and thus finds its place primarily in the foreground of the aquarium.

As already described above, there are other cultivated forms to buy from us, which differ only a few in appearance. This would be the modification of Helanthium Tenellum Parvulum to name, which is more likely to be found in North America. The leaf shape in particular differs somewhat here. The original sword plant has very narrow leaves, while the parvulum has broader leaves. As always, we have attached some pictures.

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Requirements of Helanthium Tenellum

Now we come to the specifics of the plant. It is a typical and classic foreground plant and, with good planting and appropriate fertilization, also ensures a beautiful and dense carpet of grass in the aquarium. But you should make sure when planting that it gets as little shade as possible.

In-Vitro Grass-like Dwarf Sword Plant/Echinodorus tenellus (Helanthium tenellum)
  • Many of the plants you choose may initially be bulbs, young plants, small fruit trees or even seeds. Most important to you, however, is that the roots are healthy and strong and the plants are disease free.
  • Climate-neutral shipping with DHL GoGreen

The leaves of the plant can grow to around 1,5mm wide and the plant grows up to 10cm tall. You can always cut them back individually. There are offshoots through lateral shoots.

The growth of the Helanthium Tenellum could be described as fast. It also makes no special demands on the water parameters. It can be used at a temperature of 10 to 35 degrees, so it will grow even in cold water tanks. In addition, it requires a PH value of 5-7, which could be difficult for some aquarists. In our experience, however, it can also cope with values ​​above 7 PH. The KH value should not exceed 15 and the total hardness of the water should not exceed 30, which is almost impossible.

If you use these values ​​and the plant correctly, then nothing seems to stand in the way of good growth, at least not if you also pay attention to the fertilization. In addition to CO2 fertilization, micro and macronutrients are also required. You can find everything you need to know about fertilization in our guide:

The foothills of the Helanthium Tenellum can also be used again. Here one often speaks of chains, since all plants are beautifully connected to each other like a chain. If you take one out, the others all go with you. When planting, you should pay attention to a sufficient distance, so that the plant can also spread accordingly in width. 1-2 Grow from Tropica describes growth of up to 30 cm in width in 20 days. There is also a nice video that we have attached for you.

Not only is planting explained there, but you can also see when it is time to cut back.



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