Java moss Taxiphyllum barbieri and Java fern in the aquarium

Java moss and Java fern for the aquarium: After we recently probably the most popular Aquatic plants for the background have presented the so-called waterweed, let's take care of them today planting of foreground im Aquarium. Here that counts java moss and java fern to a species that is used very often. Be it because especially small creatures catch themselves well in it and thus the ornamental fish aber auch shrimp serve as food, or because java moss is a real eye-catcher in the aquarium. We will now introduce you to everything worth knowing about the moss and show you what you have to pay attention to when it comes to planting and also to keeping and caring for it. If you want to successfully grow Java fern in your aquarium, you have to pay attention to a few things, even if there are only few requirements for the plants.

java moss

Appearance and origin of Java moss and Java fern

Let's start with the origin of the moss. Originally, the moss is found in Southeast Asia. There it grows on river banks and is said to be able to multiply even in saline water. So the requirements don't seem to be that big. It can be confused with the so-called Singapore moss.

Java moss and Java fern can not only be found in the aquarium ground grow, but also up Objects. For this it must be called in some time rhizoids form. Basically, it is certainly a root network that forms on objects that can also be smooth, such as stones. Thus, with java moss and java fern, you have a lot of creative freedom, which makes it particularly special in aquaristics. In addition, the appearance seems to have a special attraction.


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With the fresh green color, which is much lighter compared to the moss from the forest. This freshness also creates a special interest among aquarists. In addition, a kind of lawn can be formed in the aquarium with java moss and java fern and entire areas are filled with it. Aquascaping is becoming more and more popular today and Java moss and Java fern find a lot of fans there too. Last but not least, the reasons for attractiveness are not only in appearance, but also in the feature.

Suspended matter in the aquarium water is filtered out by the java moss and java fern and at the same time forms a nutrient soil for the fish.

Water values ​​and requirements of java moss and java fern

Here we can be brief, because the necessary water values are pretty easy to get to. Basically, you should only look at those Temperature regard. This is between 20 and 30 °C degrees in the optimal range. Nevertheless, there is something in things aquarium lighting to be considered, because java moss should be planted in very bright places. Here it grows fastest. Make sure there is enough light in the tank. We also recommend ours Guide to aquarium lighting. In the relevant literature one reads sunny to partially shaded places. That is why java moss and java fern thrive best in the foreground.



If you want to multiply the plant, then the carpet it forms is simply cut in half or pieces of it are removed in order to replant them in other places. There is not much more to say about the Java moss and Java fern profile.

If the java moss grows well, it can sometimes grow up to 15 - 20 cm high. But not higher. Usually one can speak of a creeping expansion.

java moss

There are no requirements for the pH value or the hardness of the water. That is why you will be lucky with the spread of moss in all community aquariums. Nevertheless, we recommend fertilization here as well, because otherwise java moss can also wither and not be lush green. Liquid fertilizer is very suitable here. More about this in our Guide to aquarium plant fertilization.



Use java moss and java fern and set up the aquarium

Of course we also want to take a look at the possibilities of planting throw. There are some tricks here. As described above, java moss is also quite good for growing furniture into a beautiful green dress. Java moss and Java fern serve quite well for this. You can quickly conceal a Hamburg mat filter or an internal filter accordingly. Also stones or roots can be covered with java moss. You can find out how to do this here.



If you want to put java moss and java fern in the ground, you can do this simply by laying some of the substrate over the moss. Objects are often used to weigh down the moss until it grows and forms roots or rhizoids. Here you have to bring a little patience, because it can take several weeks until the time comes. But once the moss has grown, it quickly forms a wide, lush green carpet.

java fern

If you want to make moss grow on objects, you have to use a trick. Here we recommend tying this with a fishing line. This mostly Perlon cords are invisible and therefore do not come across negatively in terms of optics. If that Moss then grown, you could remove the cords again. A second possibility is to weigh down or pinch the moss. This possibility also exists. It should be noted, however, that it can take several weeks for it to grow.


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Aquarium plants Aquatic plants various 50 stems 5 extra thick bunch
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WaterPlants Aquarium Plants Set 5 Bunches Mix, aquatic plants, aquatic plants, thick bunches
WaterPlants Aquarium Plants Set 5 Bunches Mix, aquatic plants, aquatic plants, thick bunches
Very fast and short shipping for the best freshness in aquatic plants; 5 bundles of aquatic plants perfectly matched for a beautiful aquarium
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Java moss and Java fern and love shrimp

Especially in one Nano aquarium and shrimp tank, one should use the java moss and java fern. It's not just about the optics, but much more about the playground of the shrimp. The animals come into their own here. Due to the fine surfaces and trained arms of the plant, a lot of leftover food collects there and also Algae, which are readily accepted by the animals. They look for food in the java moss all day long. microorganisms gather in the java moss. At the same time, it also offers good hiding places for the animals and their offspring. Frightened ornamental fish also like to hide in Java moss. Java moss should therefore not be missing in any aquarium.

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