Red neon Paracheirodon axelrodi

Red neon: One of the most well-known ornamental fish is the Red neon (Paracheirodon axelrodi). It belongs to the Paracheidrodon genus, to the Characidae family of true gatherers. The red neon, a freshwater ornamental fish, is also known as the cardinal tetra. There are other true collectors, but they belong to a different genus or species, for example the green neon, the Black neon or the Blue neons.

Paracheirodon axelrodi
The Red Neon Paracheirodon axelrodi


Profile of the Red Neons - here you will find information about the appearance, keeping, breeding, origin and the conditions for the aquarium (planting, water hardness, temperature, etc.).


Distribution and origin of the red neons

The origin of the red neon is South America. Its natural range of red neon extends from Venezuela, Brazil to Colombia. The red neons prefer a habitat in shady, darker parts of the bank. Such as on the Orinoco and Rio Negro rivers and in their tributaries. They inhabit calm, clear waters (flowing waters). The age of the red neons is about 10 years. The Red Neons can reach a length of 2,5 cm to about 5,1 cm. When kept in captivity, red neon tetras can grow larger than in the wild. Breeding red neons is difficult. Therefore, mostly wild-caught fish from South America are offered in the shops.

Breeding form and appearance of the Red Neons

The red tetra is a peaceful fish and can be kept very well with other fish species in the community tank. However, care should be taken to ensure that the red neon tetras are only kept in a tank with peace-loving fish and not with fish that are too large.

From the bottom edge of the eyes to the stalk of the tail, the lower bodies of the Red Neons are colored completely blood red. A blue fluorescent band glows above the red stripe. The back is reddish brown in colour. The fins are whitish transparent. The females, also called Rogner, are rounder than the Milchner (that's how the males are called). Males and females are difficult to tell apart.


Way of life and feeding behavior of the red tetras

Small amounts of frozen food, live food or also food flakes (dry food) are very suitable for the red neon. They feed on small insects. For example water fleas, live mosquito larvae, Cyclops, Artemia, tiny crustaceans and sometimes algae. It usually resides in the mid-pelvic area.


Posture and water conditions at the red neon

Red neons are schooling fish. A school should consist of at least 10 to 15 fish. If the red neon tetras are kept in a swarm, they feel comfortable, because in the wild they are big swarms. The aquarium size should be at least 80 liters. Better 100 liters or more.

Important points are also the water temperature, water hardness and pH value. The water temperature in the aquarium should be around 23 °C to 27 °C. The total hardness of the water is about 3 to 12 ° dGH and the pH is about 5,0 to 6,5. Regular water changes are also important. A water temperature of approx. 28 °C is required for breeding. The red neon also looks very nice in a blackwater aquarium. What is important is that with a blackwater aquarium a lot of light is let out. Or you design your aquarium with a dark substrate. Water – slightly acidic and soft water should be used.

The Red Neons are especially good for that community pool suitable. However, you should be careful to put peaceful fish with the red neon into the aquarium. Such as: blue neons, green neon collectors or a few small catfish.


Red neon - planting of the aquarium and the offspring

In captivity, the red neon tetras can live up to about 10 years, in the wild they sometimes only reach an age of about one year. Breeding is a little difficult, but not impossible. A water temperature of approx. 28 °C is required for breeding. Torumin should also be added to the water (but only a little). The tank should be equipped with a loose planting, not too dense but also so that the red neon have hiding places. And don't use bright lights. The Red Neons need space to swim, they stay in the middle of the pool.

A few caves and a few stones and beautiful plants make the aquarium attractive. If breeding is successful, the brood hatches after about 24 to 30 hours. After about three to four days they swim around freely with the other fish in the community tank. Red neons are free spawners. They lay their eggs among the plants.

Overview of keeping and breeding Red neon

  • the correct water temperature should be around 23 °C to 27 °C, for breeding approx. 28 °C is required
  • the pH should be between 5,0 and 6,5.
  • The aquarium should have a capacity of 60 liters of water
  • Red tetras are shoal fish - in order to keep them in a species-appropriate manner, the school should consist of at least 10 to 15 red tetras.
  • Food: Frozen food, dry food (flakes) and live food (water fleas, small crabs and mosquito larvae)
  • the location of the Red Neons is in the middle part of the pool
  • Red neons are free spawners, for example between plants
  • good for community tanks with other types of fish, but only with peaceful fish species
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