Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

The Neon, in this case the black neon or often too black flag tetra called, is a popular freshwater fish. However, it is available in different forms such as the red neon or the blue neon. It is debatable which of the three is the prettiest. In this article we focus exclusively on the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. This is not only shown by us in the picture, but we also convey everything worth knowing about it husbandry, care, breeding and water conditions in the aquarium. You can find out what you need to consider below. As always, let's start with the origin of the fish. By the way, there are all Information about the blue neon here.

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Image of Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Origin of the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

The black neon lives mainly in South America Paraguay. There he lived rivers like the Rio Paraguay. But also in waters like that of the Mato Grosso this real tetra species occurs. These fish also usually occur in large swarms in the wild. Basically, the black neon is assumed to be a group animal. Swarm attitudes are also better here. The males become sexually mature when they are only one year old, which is quite late compared to other tetra species. But if you look at the overall life expectancy, then this shouldn't matter, because the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi can live up to 9 years. Thus, this is one of the oldest representatives in the domestic freshwater aquarium.

Characteristics and appearance of the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Now let's get to the looks. As always, a picture says more than a thousand words. The Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi can grow up to 4 cm, although there are also differences between males and females. The males are usually slightly smaller and more slender than the females. In addition, the females do not appear to be quite as bright in terms of color as the males.

Now we come to the physique of the fish. The rather flat and elongated body of the fish could also be called streamlined. However, females appear fuller than males. The basic color of the black neon is grey-brown to brownish and can differ slightly between the individual breeds.[the_ad id=”1019″]

Its distinctive distinguishing feature are the stripes on the body, which extend from the tail to the head. These stripes are split in two as far as coloring is concerned. The upper stripe is greenish to almost silver in color and the lower stripe is black. Therefore, the ornamental fish also has its German name. In addition, the caudal fin and the anal fin are black. This real tetra also has an adipose fin.

Especially the upper green stripe has a kind of effect called neon. Usually this strip is still bluish. Something special is the reflection and the glow of the strip, because that is what makes the black neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi particularly conspicuous in the aquarium. Flashing and flickering is often seen in the aquarium as the shoal moves in dim lighting.

The fish is one of the peaceful fish and therefore it can also be socialized very well. Be it with other tetras or catfish species or with barbel, socialization is possible.

Keeping and care of the black neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

When keeping it, you should be careful with the furnishings, because the black neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi usually needs a rather dark floor and somewhat dimmed light. The fish likes this very much and feels quite comfortable here. The current should also be adjusted somewhat. A light current is gladly taken. Floating space is also required by the black neon.

When it comes to planting, you should pay attention to areas where the animals can withdraw. They really like places to hide.

There are very few requirements for the water parameters. On the one hand, temperature ranges of 22 - 28 degrees are tolerated, which should be possible without any problems in most freshwater aquariums, and on the other hand, the requirements in terms of PH value are easy to achieve. Values ​​below 6 and almost 8 are tolerated. The only exceptions are in breeding. The total hardness of the water should be around 15 as a maximum. Even the beginner should be able to cope well here, without using special methods such as peat filtering or reverse osmosis water must be claimed.

As already mentioned at the beginning, the black neon is a group animal and also a schooling fish. You should therefore always keep a group of 8 or more animals. In order for this to be possible, you need a certain aquarium size. We recommend an edge length of 60 cm or more, which corresponds to a water content of 60 liters. Here, too, it is better to rely on an edge length of 80 cm and thus a water content of 100 liters.

Characteristics of the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi


  • Temperature 22 to 28 degrees
  • PH value from 6 to 8
  • GH up to 15
  • Groups of 8 or more
  • Aquarium from 60 liters
  • Good planting


Breeding and Reproduction of the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Let's get to breeding the Black Neon Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. Here you can also achieve good results as a beginner. The basic requirement here, however, is the adjustment of the water parameters and appropriate feeding. On the one hand, a PH value of around 6 is necessary and on the other hand, the hardness of the water should not be above 6. This can be achieved, for example, by filtering through peat. You can also use an osmosis system.

Once you have set the water values, you should also adjust the feeding so that the animals are happy to spawn. This can be achieved, for example, by feeding them live food such as mosquito larvae. This also creates a readiness to spawn.

The aquarium should also be prepared accordingly. Fine-grained plants are a must here because the spawn is attached accordingly. When the spawning and courtship process is over, the parents have to leave the tank, otherwise they would eat the spawn.

The young hatch after 1-2 days and can then be fed and raised accordingly with powdered food.

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