Panda armored catfish (Corydoras panda)

To the genus Corydoras belongs to the Panda armored catfish (Corydoras panda), it is a freshwater fish of the armored and calloused catfish family and is very peaceful. But there are also other catfish species, such as the Green Armored Catfish (Brochis splendens), Marbled armored catfish (Corydoras paleatus), Cochu's armored catfish (Corydoras cochui), Three-lined armored catfish (Corydoras trilineatus), Flagtail Mailer Catfish (Corydoras robineae), Julii armored catfish (Corydoras julii), Marbled dwarf armored catfish (Corydoras habrosus), metal armored catfish (Corydoras aeneus), Orangefin Mailer Catfish (Corydoras sterbai), Dotted armored catfish (Corydoras paleatus), Sickle-spotted armored catfish (Corydoras hastatus), Emerald Armored Catfish (Brochis spenders), Sterbas armored catfish (Corydoras sterbai), Streamlined armored catfish (Corydoras arcuatus) and the Dwarf armored catfish (Corydoras pygmaeus).


Armored Catfish Corydoras
Corydoras sp. New Panda Image by Jérôme Picard


But there are also other types of catfish. For example, the different types of loricariid, calloused catfish, pinnate catfish, signet catfish, etc. You can get one here Characteristics using the Panda armored catfish. What belongs in the profile? For example information about the origin, keeping, appearance, breeding and what you need to know about the conditions for the water or aquarium.

Panda armored catfish (Corydoras panda): origin and distribution of the panda armored catfish

First of all, we would like to know something about the origin of the panda armored catfish. Panda armored catfish live near the shores of tropical rivers in South America. In Ecuador, the panda armored catfish are found in the rivers: Rio Pastaza, Rio Tigre and Rio Napo. In Peru they occur in the Rio Pachitea, a tributary of the Rio Ucayali. Males and females of the panda armored catfish reach a length of approx. 5 cm and can reach an age of approx. 8 to 10 years. The habitat is mainly a sandy water bottom. The panda armored catfish (Corydoras panda) is a shoal fish. The panda armored catfish are easy to breed in the aquarium.


Panda armored catfish - appearance and breeding forms

The panda armored catfish is a very peaceful companion and particularly well suited to the community tank. Its basic color is reddish-brown. A black spot is in front of the caudal fin and it has a black band on the eye. It has been given the name panda armored catfish because it resembles a panda bear. It is also important that he is kept in groups. The females are bulkier and have round pelvic fins. The males have pointed ventral fins and are significantly slimmer in physique.


Lifestyle and feeding behavior of panda armored catfish

The panda armored catfish's diet should be varied. Panda armored catfish feed on small animals, algae, plant parts and detriuts (decomposed organic substances). The panda armored catfish is therefore an omnivore (all-eating). Not only mosquito larvae, Artemia [brine crayfish] (live food), Cyclops [Hüpferlinge – oar crayfish] (frozen food) but also food flakes and tablets (dry food) are suitable for feeding in the aquarium. They tend to live in the lower water region.


Husbandry and water conditions for the panda armored catfish

The panda armored catfish are schooling fish. You should be kept at least 5 conspecifics together in the aquarium. There should be more males than females in the swarm. Thus they fulfill a species-appropriate husbandry and the fish feel comfortable. In the wild, the fish travel in large schools of at least several hundred animals. The aquarium should be at least 56 liters in size.

Another important point is the water. Well-filtered and oxygen-rich water is very important. This also requires regular water changes. The water temperature, the pH value of the water and the hardness of the water in the aquarium are also very important. The water temperature should be around 22 to 26 °C. The pH value is around 6,0 to 7,5 and the total hardness of the water is around 2-19 °dGH.

The panda armored catfish can community pool be kept with other fish. These include, for example: dwarf groupers or small collectors.

Panda armored catfish (Corydoras panda): planting of the aquarium and the offspring of the panda armored catfish

In order for the panda armored catfish to feel comfortable in the aquarium, it needs a soft, sandy substrate and plenty of hiding places. The panda armored catfish searches or rummages through the soft, sandy bottom of the aquarium with its barbels (thread-like skin organs in the mouth area) to find food. From time to time the panda armored catfish also dives to the surface of the water.

This type of fish is also known as an intestinal breather. What does that mean? The fish not only take in the dissolved oxygen from the water via the gills, but also take in oxygen from the swallowed air, in the gut, which is heavily supplied with blood, from the surface of the aquarium. Make sure you have free access to the surface of the water.

There should also be a lush border planting and a few caves (stone caves) built on or clay tubes used so that the panda armored catfish can hide well (retreat for lunch break). Panda armored catfish are easy to breed in the aquarium. The panda armored catfish females lay about 30 eggs one after the other between stones, on large leaves of plants or stick the eggs to the partition of the aquarium. The substrate of the aquarium should be without sharp edges, use a fine sandy substrate, otherwise the panda armored catfish could injure themselves. Panda armored catfish are adherent spawners.

Planting should be dense around the edges. An open space should remain in the foreground. Also accommodate bog pine roots in the aquarium. Thus, the panda mailed catfish also have a shelter.

keeping and breeding Panda armored catfish - Summary:

  • Water temperature should be between 22 and 26 °C.
  • PH value should be between approx. 6,0 to 7,5.
  • Aquarium size at least 56 liters. The bigger the better.
  • Schooling fish – in order to achieve species-appropriate keeping, at least 5 fish of the same species should be kept in the aquarium.
  • Feeding with live food, frozen food or dry food.
  • Panda armored catfish usually stay in the lower pelvic area.
  • They are adhesive spawners (plants, stones or aquarium panes), breeding is very successful in the aquarium.
  • To be kept in the community tank with other species of fish.


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