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Aquarium accessories that you absolutely need

aquarium accessories

Aquarium accessories that you absolutely need

the essentials in brief

What are the basic requirements for an aquarium?

This includes a suitable location with stable temperature and light conditions, sufficient space for the intended fish and regular care and monitoring of the water quality.

What are the required equipment for a first aquarium?

In addition to the aquarium, the basic equipment includes a filter, a heater, lighting, a thermometer and materials for the interior decoration. Learn more…

What special equipment makes sense for an aquarium with fish?

With special test kits you can monitor the water quality (pH value, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia content). Further information…

The right aquarium accessory makes a great one Difference – for your fish as well as for you. An aquarium can beautiful eye-catcher be in your home and one calming effect to have.

But before you can get started with your new hobby, you should get a few basic knowledge learn about the required accessories. We will show you which accessories you need for your aquarium and what you should pay attention to when making your selection.

The aquarium itself is the centerpiece

Aquarium accessories include many other utensils in addition to the aquarium itself

The heart of your underwater world is of course the aquarium itself. Here you have a large selection of Forms, sizes and Materials. Glass is classic and offers a clear view while Acrylic is lighter and more shatterproof.

key fact box

When making a selection, the planned fish stock is particularly important. Large fish or many fish require more space than smaller species or fewer specimens.

Choose the right size for your aquarium

Choosing the right size for your aquarium is crucial to the well-being of your fish. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:

  • Size and number of fish: Bigger fish and more fish need more space. As a rule of thumb: 2 liters of water per centimeter of adult fish (without the tail fin).
  • fish species: Some fish need more swimming space than others. Fish that like to swim in schools, such as tetras, need a longer tank to give them enough swimming space.
  • Your place: Of course, the aquarium must fit into your home. But keep in mind that a larger aquarium is often easier to maintain because changes in water quality don't take effect as quickly.

For clean water: filter, heating and CO₂ system

One of the most important tasks in aquaristics is to keep the water clean and healthy for your fish. You need various devices for this:

  • A pair of Aquarium filter removes dirt particles from the water and ensures that pollutants are broken down. There are internal and external filters, the choice depends on your personal preferences and the size of your aquarium.
  • An aquarium heater keeps the water at a constant temperature, which is important for many species of fish.
  • An CO₂ system enriches the water with carbon dioxide, which in turn promotes plant growth and thus ensures a healthy environment in the aquarium.

Everything at a glance: thermometer and test kits

The right aquarium accessories make cleaning easier for you

In order to keep the conditions in your aquarium optimal, you need a few helpers:

  • With a aquarium thermometer you can monitor the water temperature.
  • Test kits help you to check the pH value, the water hardness and the content of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. These values ​​are important for the health of your fish.

For the facility: substrate, decoration and lighting

Now comes the fun part: setting up your aquarium.

The substrate is not only decorative, but also Living Space for beneficial bacteria and plants. You can choose between sand, gravel and special plant substrates.

With aquarium decoration you can design your aquarium according to your taste and offer your fish hiding places and variety. There are a variety of artificial and natural decoration options such as stones, roots or artificial rocks and caves.

A good aquarium lighting not only ensures that you can see your fish and plants well, it is also important for plant growth and the well-being of the fish.

The food: feed your fish species-appropriate

Tip: Feeding is a key aspect of aquarium care and it is important that you are giving your fish the right amount of food at the right time. As a rule of thumb, feed your fish once a day.

Last but not least you need the right food for your fish. The Nutritional requirements varies greatly depending on the species of fish, so you should be well informed about what your fish need. There is a wide range of fish food, from flakes and Pellets to Live- and frozen food.

The exact amount depends on the Compaction and the Size the fish off. A good guide, however, is to feed only as much food as the fish eat in 2-3 minutes can. uneaten food should be avoided as they pollute the water.

Note: There are also fish species that require several small meals a day or are nocturnal and should therefore be fed in the evening.

The decoration is also part of the aquarium accessories

Cleaning the aquarium

Cleaning your aquarium is an important task to ensure a healthy environment for your fish. Here you will find an overview of how and how often you should clean your aquarium and what you need for this:

  • partial water change: About every two weeks you should change 25-30% of the water. This removes pollutants and supplies fresh nutrients. Always use a water conditioner to make the tap water fish-friendly.
  • filter cleaning: Depending on the filter type, you should clean the filter every 2-4 weeks. It is best to use water from the aquarium to avoid destroying the beneficial bacteria in the filter material.
  • algae removal: Algae should be removed regularly with an algae brush or an algae magnet.
  • Clean substrate: Dead plant material and uneaten food can be removed with a dirt vacuum.

Useful information for future aquarists

Owning an aquarium is a beautiful experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. Here are some things you should know before setting up an aquarium:

  • Research is the be-all and end-all: Each fish species has specific needs in terms of temperature, pH, food and companionship. Therefore, before you buy, find out about the needs of the fish you want.
  • Patience is important: It takes time to set up an aquarium. Plan at least a few weeks before introducing the fish.
  • Constant care is important: Fish are creatures that need constant care and attention. This includes checking the water quality, feeding the fish and cleaning the aquarium regularly.

Find the right aquarium accessories for your fish

With the right one Accessories are you ready to start your aquarium good equiped. Nevertheless, an aquarium also involves ongoing work. In order for the fish and plants to do well, you should regularly maintain and clean. But with the right equipment and dedication, you're sure to enjoy your new hobby.


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