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Fascinating zebrafish: elegant beauties in the aquarium

Fascinating zebrafish: elegant beauties in the aquarium

the essentials in brief

How much does a zebrafish cost?

The price of a zebrafish varies depending on the retailer, but is usually between 1 and 3 euros per fish. More here.

At what temperature are zebrafish kept?

Zebrafish feel at one Temperature most comfortable between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius.

How fast does the zebrafish grow?

Most zebrafish reach their adult size of about 3-5 cm in up to nine months. You can read about the circumstances that favor this here.

Welcome to the fascinating world of zebrafish! These adorable and colorful freshwater fish are real ones Jewels of the Aquarium and captivate the hearts of aquarists all over the world with their breathtaking beauty and lively nature. Their characteristic dark stripes, reminiscent of the patterns of a zebra, give them a unique elegance.

We tell you where the exotics originally come from, what they eat and how you keep them. You will also find out how much you pay for a zebrafish in the pet shop.

This is what zebrafish look like

Zebrafish are sociable little fish.

Zebrafish are fascinating freshwater fish, which are among the most popular species in aquaristics. They belong to the danios family (Cyprinidae) and to the genus Danio. Its scientific name is Danio rerio.

key fact box

These small, brightly colored fish are native to their natural environment in Southeast Asia, more specifically in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar.

The zebrafish is characterized by its characteristic appearance. He is a slim and agile fish, which reaches an average size of about 3-5 cm.

Its body shape is elongated and slightly flattened at the sides, giving it a aerodynamic appearance gives. The coloring of this species of fish is impressive. The body is covered with a striking pattern, which earned it the name "zebrafish".

Typically, zebrafish have a silver-colored to golden basic pattern with dark vertical stripes running from head region to caudal peduncle. These dark stripes resemble the stripes of a zebra, which explains the name of the fish.

The Number and intensity of stripes however, may vary between individual specimens. There are also several breeds that may have some or all of the striping altered, and zebrafish have been bred in a variety of colors, including bright red, orange and blue.

Another striking feature of the zebrafish is their lively fins. The dorsal fin is mostly transparent, showing a subtle yellow or orange tint along the base. The caudal fin is forked and may also have a dark striped pattern.

The pectoral and pelvic fins are often transparent or light colored and can cause a Touch of red or orange have. Overall, these vibrant colors and patterns make the zebrafish an aesthetically pleasing sight.

Habitat and food of the zebrafish

The natural home of the zebrafish is clear and calm waters in the Southeast Asian countries mentioned above. they prefer slow-flowing or standing water, such as small streams, ponds, swamps and paddy fields.

These waters are often surrounded by lush vegetation and zebrafish find plenty there hiding places and retreats. In the wild they live in groups consisting of several individuals and in the aquarium they are often kept in similar groups.

In their natural habitat are zebrafish omnivorethat feed on a wide variety of foods. They mainly eat small invertebrates such as insect larvae, crustaceans and water fleas.

In captivity they can go with you commercial flake food or special granules, frozen or live food such as mosquito larvae or artemia. It is important to provide a balanced diet to maintain their health and color vibrancy.

Growth of a zebrafish in the aquarium

In recent years, this exotic fish has also become particularly popular with aquarists, so it has found a place in many aquariums. With the right attitude, the zebrafish can thrive there develop excellently.

Its growth can vary depending on the given conditions, especially the environment and diet. They usually reach their adult size of about 3-5 cm within six to nine months.

Water temperature is an important factor affecting zebrafish growth. At higher temperatures, they can develop faster, while lower temperatures can slow growth. The ideal temperature for zebrafish is usually between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius.

The quality of the food is another crucial factor in the growth of zebrafish. If they are provided with a balanced diet, the rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals is, they can grow better and reach their full size. Live food such as mosquito larvae, artemia and water fleas are particularly nutritious and support healthy growth.

Additional information: The space in the aquarium also plays a role. In tanks that are too small and overcrowded, zebrafish can feel stressed and their growth can be stunted.

The Genetic of the fish also plays a role in growth. In some cases, certain breed lines or individual fish may grow faster or slower than others.

It is important to emphasize that growing too quickly in young fish can sometimes lead to health problems. It is therefore advisable not to overfeed the fish and the water quality to be kept in mind to ensure optimal development.

This is how you hold them

The zebrafish likes it nice and warm.

In order to keep the zebrafish appropriately, it is important to create a suitable environment and the right conditions in the aquarium. Here are some Posture recommendations this fascinating fish species:

  • aquarium size: A tank at least 60 cm long is adequate for a group of zebrafish. The larger the aquarium, the better, as it gives the fish more swimming space.
  • water quality: The zebrafish prefers clean and well-filtered water. The temperature should be between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius and the pH should be in the slightly acidic to neutral range between 6,5 and 7,5. Regular water changes are important to maintain good water quality.
  • planting: Plant the aquarium plentifully with various plants that offer the fish hiding places. The zebrafish feels safer and more comfortable in an environment with many hiding places.
  • Society: The zebrafish is a peaceful and social fish that should be kept in a group of at least six to ten individuals. Larger groups promote harmonious behavior and reduce the risk of aggressive behavior.
  • roommate: Zebrafish get along well with other peaceful and similarly sized fish species. Suitable roommates could be other danios, small tetras, guppies, armored catfish and peaceful shrimp.
  • Feed: The zebrafish is an omnivore and will take both dry food and live food. A varied diet with high-quality flake food, granules and occasional live food such as mosquito larvae or Artemia is ideal for promoting health and colourfulness.
  • Behavior: Zebrafish are curious and agile fish that like to roam around in schools. They show interesting courtship behavior and lively interactions with each other. Monitor their activities and provide appropriate lighting.
ServicesBestseller no. 1
TetraMin Flakes - fish food in flake form for all ornamental fish, balanced mixture for healthy fish and clear water, 1 L can
TetraMin Flakes - fish food in flake form for all ornamental fish, balanced mixture for healthy fish and clear water, 1 L can
Patented BioActive formula strengthens the immune system for a long fish life
7,99 EUR Amazon Prime

Tip: Regularly monitor the water parameters and perform water changes as needed to ensure an optimal environment for the fish!

Overall, the attitude of zebrafish relatively uncomplicated, as long as the basic needs of the fish are met. With an appropriate environment, a balanced diet and suitable roommates, you can offer your zebrafish a happy and healthy home. Enjoy the beauty and interesting behavior of these popular aquarium fish!

Cheap, beautiful little fish

The price of a zebrafish depends on various factors, including the region you live in, the size of the fish, the source you buy it from, and availability in the market. Most are zebrafish cheap fish and are among the most affordable species in aquaristics.

The average price for a single zebrafish is usually around between 1 and 3 Euro. If you're buying a larger group of zebrafish, they might be a bit cheaper as many pet stores offer bulk discounts.

Tip: Pay special attention to the health and appearance of the fish! Choose lively, active fish that show no signs of illness or injury. Also make sure that the sellers or breeders are trustworthy.

Colorful stripes in the aquarium: zebrafish

In the fascinating world of aquaristics, zebrafish enrich the hobby with their shimmering beauty and lively nature. With their characteristic dark stripes that run like those of the zebra, they are a reminder of how diverse and wonderful nature is.

Her lively nature and playful movements make her one Eye catcher, as they move in their swarms through the clear water. It's a delight to watch their courtship dances and social interactions, showing that even in the wild, community matters a lot.


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