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Discus fish: everything you need to know about keeping them

Discus fish: everything you need to know about keeping them

the essentials in brief

Are discus fish suitable for beginners?

Discus fish are generally not suitable for beginners as they have specific water quality and care requirements. Here you will find the advantages of discus fish...

Which fish can I keep with discus fish?

Suitable social partners for discus fish are peaceful species that prefer similar water conditions, such as some tetra species or peaceful dwarf cichlids.

How much do I pay for a discus fish?

The price of a discus fish can vary depending on the size, color variant and breeder, but they are usually between 20 and 100 euros per fish. Learn more about buying here...

discus fish are one of the most fascinating and beautiful ornamental fish speciesthat can be kept in an aquarium. They impress with their colourfulness, their peaceful behavior and their social intelligence. But discus fish are too ambitious Fish that need careful husbandry, a varied diet and individual care.

In this text you will learn everything you need to know about discus fish from her Origin and sigh about their posture, attitude and Feeding up to hers Health and Care. Be enchanted by the world of discus fish and learn how to offer them the best possible home.

Why are discus fish so popular?

Discus fish come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Discus fish are among those most popular ornamental fish species in aquaristics. But what makes them so special? Here are some reasons why many aquarists have chosen discus fish:

  • Discus fish are beautiful. There is probably no other freshwater fish that has as many different colors and patterns as the discus fish. From bright red to soft blue to shimmering gold, everything is included. The colors of the discus fish are not only a visual pleasure, but also an expression of their mood and their state of health. Depending on how the fish are feeling or the environmental conditions, they can intensify or weaken their colors.
  • Discus fish are peaceful. Discus fish are not aggressive fish that constantly fight with their peers or other fish. On the contrary, they are very social and harmonious. They form solid groups in which they support and protect each other. They communicate with each other through body language, sounds and color signals. They also show interest in their environment and in their aquarist. They are curious and quickly learn who brings them food or pays attention to them.
  • Discus fish are demanding. This may be a disadvantage for some, but for others it is precisely what excites them about discus. Discus fish are not fish for beginners who just want to add a few fish to an aquarium. They need careful planning, regular care and individual attention. They place high demands on water quality, nutrition and the setup of the aquarium. They challenge their aquarist to constantly learn and improve. But they also reward him with their beauty, trust, and affection.

key fact box

Did you know that discus fish feed their young with a special skin secretion that they secrete through their mucous membranes? This secretion contains important nutrients and antibodies that help the young fish to grow healthily and protect against diseases. The parent fish let their young suckle by their sides or dorsal fin until they are about four to six weeks old. This is a very rare form of brood care among fish and shows how caring and social discus fish are.

Buy discus fish

If you have decided to keep discus fish, the question arises: where do you get them from? There are various possibilities, to get discus fish, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

discus fish in pet shop buy. This is probably the easiest and quickest way to get discus fish. Many pet stores have one Selection of different discus fish, which you can take with you. This has the advantage that you can inspect and select the fish on site. You can also get advice from the specialist staff and, if necessary, buy accessories or food. The downside is that you can't always be sure if the fish are healthy and of good quality. Some pet stores have insufficient experience or competence when dealing with discus fish. They do not offer the fish the best housing conditions. This can cause the fish to become stressed, ill, or injured.

Another possibility is discus fish or similarto order online. There are many online shops specializing in discus fish and one large selection of different colors and cultivated forms offer. This has the advantage that you can choose from a large range and the fish are conveniently delivered to your home. In addition, you can often read reviews from other customers or get advice from customer service. The downside is you see the fish not in person can take and must rely on the descriptions and photos of the providers. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the fish are packaged and transported safely and professionally to avoid stress or damage.

Buying discus fish from a breeder is another possibility. There are many hobby and professional breeders who breed and sell their own discus fish. This has the advantage that you can be sure that the fish are healthy and safe good quality are. The breeders know their fish very well and can provide information about origin, age, sex or special features. You can also contact the breeders Suggestions and Tricks to keep and breed discus fish. The downside is that you may have to travel far to find a good breeder or pay high shipping costs.

Tip: Keep your discus fish in a harmonious group of at least six to eight individuals. Discus fish are very social animals that have a clear hierarchy within the group. Keeping too few animals can lead to aggression or stress.

Keeping discus fish

Set up the aquarium

Discus fish need a large, clean and well-planted aquarium with soft, slightly acidic and warm water. It sounds complicated, but it's not that difficult if you plan and prepare a little. Here are some steps to set up a discus aquarium:

  • Choose a suitable aquarium. As already mentioned, discus fish need lots of spaceto feel good. The aquarium should be at least 300 liters grasp and have a length of at least 120 cm. The height and width of the aquarium are less important, but the bigger the better. The aquarium should be made of glass or acrylic and have a stable base. It should also have a suitable filter, heater, lighting and lid.
  • Prepare the water. Discus fish are very sensitive to poor water quality and therefore need soft, slightly acidic and warm water. Tap water is usually too hard and too alkaline for discus fish and must therefore be treated. You can either use special water treatment agents or mix the water with distilled water or osmosis water. The water should have one pH from 6 to 7, a Total hardness from 2 to 10 °dH and Carbonate hardness from 1 to 5 °dH have. The water temperature should be between 26 and 30 ° C lay. You should test the water regularly and change or adjust if necessary.
  • Decorate the aquarium. Discus fish like a natural and structured aquarium where they can hide and be comfortable. You should the aquarium with a dark substrate of sand or gravel that will bring out the colors of the fish. You should also use a lot of plants that provide the fish with oxygen and reduce pollutants. appropriate plants are, for example, sword plants, java fern, anubias or cryptocorynes. You can do some too Roots or Stones add, which offer the fish additional hiding places. However, make sure that you do not use any sharp or pointed objects that could injure the fish.
  • Deploy the fish. When the aquarium is set up, you can add the discus fish. You shouldn't use all the fish at once, but them slowly get used to the new water. You can put the fish in a bag with the water from the pet shop, the online shop or the breeder in the aquarium and leave the bag closed for about an hour. Then you can put some water from the aquarium into the bag and close it again. Repeat this process every 15 minutes until the bag is full. Then you can open the bag and carefully release the fish into the aquarium.
Keeping discus fish is relatively demanding.

Feed discus fish

are discus fish omnivorewho are able to eat both plant and animal foods. you need one varied diet, which provides them with all the nutrients they need for growth, health and colour. Here are some tips for feeding discus fish properly:

  • Feed small portions several times a day. Discus fish have one small stomach and cannot eat much at once. That's why you should small portions several times a day give that they can record within a few minutes. A good rule of thumb is to feed them as much as they can eat in five minutes. But you should make sure that you don't feed too much, otherwise the water will be polluted and the fish can get sick.
  • Feed different types of food. like discus fish variety on their menu and look forward to different types of food. You can give them dry food, frozen food or live food. Dry food is practical and has a long shelf life, but it often does not contain enough vitamins and minerals for the fish. Frozen food is more nutritious and natural, but it must be thawed beforehand. Live food is best for the fish as it gives them fresh and vibrant food that they would eat in the wild. However, it is also more expensive and difficult to obtain. So you should have one Mix from all types of feed and make sure that you only buy high-quality feed that does not contain any pathogens or harmful substances.
  • Feed them special discus food. In addition to the normal types of food, you can also feed your discus fish special discus food give that is tailored to their needs. There are various brands and products that you can find at pet stores or online. Special discus food often contains more proteins, fats and vitamins than normal food and promotes the growth, health and color of the fish. In addition, it is often shaped in such a way that it is easier for the fish to eat it. However, you should not only feed them special discus food, but see it as a supplement to the other types of food.

Caring for discus fish

are discus fish hardy fish, which rarely get sick if kept and cared for properly. Even so, they can occasionally become victims various diseases or parasites which can be detrimental to the health and welfare of the fish. Here are some tips for proper discus care:

  • Prevent diseases. The best medicine is that prevention. You should therefore make sure that you offer your discus fish optimal conditions, as already described for the aquarium. You should also regularly test and change the water to reduce contaminants and stabilize the pH. You should also feed your fish a variety of foods and give them enough rest and space. If you buy new fish, you should first keep them in a quarantine tank and observe them before adding them to your other fish. This is how you can avoid that you Pathogens introduce or spread.
  • Recognize diseases early. If, despite all precautions, your discus fish become ill, you should do so as soon as possible early in the and to treat. You should therefore monitor your fish daily and look out for signs of disease. These include, for example, changes in the appearance, behavior or faeces of the fish. Typical symptoms are, for example, loss of appetite, apathy, emaciation, breathing problems, bristle scales, loss of color, injuries, ulcers, white spots or worms on the skin or gills of the fish.
  • Treat illnesses properly. If you discover a disease in your discus fish, you should first try to find out what it is Cause is. You can find out more about this on the Internet or a Vet consult. Depending on what disease it is, there are different treatment options. These include, for example, medication, salt baths, temperature increases or water changes. However, you should always be careful when using medication as they can also have side effects. You should always follow the dosage and application instructions and observe the effect. You should also treat the sick fish in a separate sick tank to avoid infecting the other fish.
Discus fish rarely get sick.

Attention: Avoid exposing your discus to sudden changes in temperature. Discus fish are very sensitive to temperature changes and can become ill or even die as a result. 

Peaceful but challenging

discus fish are beautiful, peaceful and demanding fish that are an asset to any aquarium. But you also need one careful attitude, a varied diet and individual care. If you decide to get discus fish, you should be well informed and prepared in order to offer them an optimal home. If you do this, you will enjoy your discus fish and keep them healthy and happy for a long time.


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