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Amano shrimp - fascinating animals

Amano shrimp - fascinating animals

the essentials in brief

How many Amano shrimp should you keep?

It is recommended to keep at least 6 Amano shrimp per 10 liters of water. You can find out more about posture here...

What do Amano shrimp need in the aquarium?

Amano shrimp need a well-planted aquarium with hiding places, clean water, a temperature of around 22-26°C and a regular supply of suitable food.

How much space do Amano shrimp need?

Amano shrimp usually need about 5 to 10 liters of water per animal to have enough space to move around and forage. Information about the creature can be found here...

amano shrimp are fascinating and popular freshwater shrimp for aquaristics. Their unique appearance, interesting behavior and ability to fight algae make them desirable pets for aquarists. Certain housing conditions are required to ensure the well-being and health of Amano shrimp.

In this article you will receive information about the appearance, nature and keeping of Amano shrimp.


Amano shrimp are among the larger shrimp species

Amano shrimp, scientific Caridina multidentata or also Caridina japonica called, are popular freshwater shrimp for aquarium keeping. Their appearance is characteristic and unmistakable.

Amano shrimp are compared to other shrimp species relatively large and can grow up to 5 cm long. Her body is elongated and slender. The basic color of the Amano shrimp varies from transparent to a slightly brownish or greenish tone. The body is irregularly covered with darker spots, in the form of horizontal stripes are arranged. These stripes extend over the entire back of the shrimp to the tail fin.

The head of the Amano shrimp is clearly visible and seen from above rectangular. On the front are two pairs of sensors, the anterior of which is longer and thinner than the posterior. The eyes are proportionate large and well developed.

They are also noticeable scissor-trained front legs. These claws are used by the Amano shrimp to acquire food and to defend themselves. The hind legs are long and thin, ideal for swimming and climbing in vegetation.

Additional information: Another feature of the Amano shrimp is their transparent, slightly greenish tail fins. The caudal fin is relatively broad and rounded.


The nature of the Amano shrimp is fascinating and unique. Although they are not strictly social creatures, they exhibit interesting behaviors.

Amano shrimp are as relatively peaceful and calm animals known. They don't usually interact much with each other or with other fish species in the aquarium. Instead, they devote themselves to their own activities, such as foraging and exploring their surroundings.

A notable feature of Amano shrimp is their fondness for algae. They are excellent algae eaters and will keep the aquarium free of unwanted algae growth. They are known for their ability to collect algae from plant leaves and aquarium decorations. This contributes to the overall health of the aquarium and ensures an aesthetic appearance.

Amano shrimp are also for their adaptability known. As long as certain basic requirements are met, they can thrive in a wide variety of water conditions. They prefer a water temperature of around 22-26°C and a slightly alkaline to neutral pH range. Water quality is also important, which is why regular cleaning and control of water parameters is recommended.

Despite their rather calm nature, Amano shrimp can also display interesting behaviors. You are skillful climber and move safely between plants and decorations in the aquarium. They spend a lot of time foraging and show a certain curiosity and joy of discovery.

Note: Amano shrimp are peaceful but can be very territorial, especially when it comes to their favorite hiding spots. They like to look for safe havens to hide and feel safe. It is therefore important to provide sufficient hiding places in the aquarium to promote their well-being.

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The animals need enough space

posture, attitude

Keeping Amano shrimp requires certain conditions to ensure their well-being and health. There are several aspects to consider when setting up an aquarium for Amano shrimp.

The aquarium should groß genug to give the shrimp enough space to swim and do their natural activities. An aquarium with a capacity of at least 20 liters is recommended, with larger tanks being even better as they give the shrimp more space to explore and swim.

The water quality plays a crucial role in the well-being of the Amano shrimp. they prefer clean and well filtered water. Regular water changes are essential to remove contaminants and maintain water quality.

Additional information: It is recommended to change about 20% of the water per week. It is also important to keep pH, temperature and other relevant water parameters in the optimal range. A pH between 6,5 and 7,5 and a temperature of 22-26°C is recommended.

The setup of the aquarium also plays an important role. Amano shrimp are attached to a natural environment with many hiding places used. It is advisable to provide the aquarium with enough plants, caves, moss or other decorative elements to give the shrimp places to retreat. These hiding spots help keep the shrimp feeling safe and comfortable.

Amano shrimp feed mainly on Algae. They are excellent algae eaters and keep the aquarium free of unwanted algae growth. However, it is important to ensure that there is enough algae in the aquarium to provide the shrimp with a natural food source. If necessary, they can special food tablets or other suitable types of food to be fed. To ensure a balanced diet, it should be fed regularly and in appropriate amounts.

Amano shrimp are generally peaceful animals. They are rather calm. They don't typically interact strongly with each other or with other fish species in the aquarium. You can therefore socialize well with other peaceful species provided the water conditions and aquarium size are suitable.

Note: In order to recognize signs of illness or stress at an early stage, regular observation of the Amano shrimp is important. Watch for behavioral changes such as refusing to eat, reduced activity, or visible injuries. If necessary, appropriate measures should be taken to maintain the health of the shrimp.

The shrimp feed mainly on algae

A great type of shrimp

Overall, Amano shrimp are undemanding but fascinating aquarium inhabitants. With the right care, the right water parameters, enough hiding places and a balanced diet, they can feel very comfortable in a well-maintained aquarium.

With their natural propensity to fight algae, they are valuable helpers in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The Amano Shrimp offers the aquarist a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty and dynamism of aquatic life.


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